Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hello World

Why do I know what "Hello World" means? Why do I know the history behind it? Why am I using it to start my blog? Because I like to know just enough about everything to make it seem like I know everything about everything - but in reality I know just enough for a 15 minute conversation on the matter and then well, lets switch subjects.

"Hello World" is what tech guys use to launch a new program or application out to the world. It's the test output for the first transaction of many software and tech products. I have no idea why. But it works for my first post of my blog.

To be honest, I'm motivated to blog because my brother started one and so it must be a good idea. I am 30, happily married with a beautiful 1 year old baby boy. I own a mortgage company which provides for my family and provides me with plenty of stress and enjoyment.

I'll probably make about 4 posts and call it quits so enjoy it while it lasts - but I have a few things banging around in my head that I might feel like posting just for posterity - if it interests anyone else well then that's a bonus.

Hello world.


Grimmus Brown said...

Hello Boredom. Jesus, I hope this blog picks it up a little bit.

But great to see you posting. I now have something else to do all day! I'll check your posts...

Braff said...

Welcome to the interweb and blagging...
