Where 'n' equals years left of my life. Happy anniversary to me and my wife! Good lord, its a veritable blizzard of Brown-family Memorial Days all piled together in the depths of winter (if such a thing exists in the OC). Yesterday was our 3rd wedding anniversary. I didn't post exactly on the day because I vowed to myself not to turn my computer on all night last night so that I could spend time with my wife. I spend too much time buried behind a small fuzzy screen.
When I do peer over it I see my beautiful wife sitting there, she is gorgeous. She doesn't think so, but she is the most radiant, beautiful woman that I have met in my life. She is my foundation and my rock. She keeps me motivated, grounded, honest, passionate, positive; she keeps me from taking myself to seriously. She is my best friend and love of my life. I can't say any more - she is perfect for me. She has given me everything I have in my life and I am so grateful for that. Thank you to my best friend for everything. I am so glad to be celebrating our 3rd of many, many more to come.
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