Wednesday, February 28, 2007

What a Week

Wow - what a week. I've been busy over on my mortgage blog and have been commenting on a bunch of topics all over the internet. It has provided a stimulating outlet for me to learn more about new ideas on the web in the mortgage industry and beyond. I finally feel like I am starting to "catch up" on my technology after being out of the loop for so long.

It amazes me how many people are blogging/podcasting, etc. out on the Web. I hope that I can stay on top of it moving forward.

I have a lot I want to talk about - Martin Scorsese's first Best Director award for The Departed is up at the top of list; along with the recent vetting of our staff at our office.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Great Quote

Forest Whitaker tonight at the Oscars in his acceptance speech for Best Actor in The Last King of Scotland:

“When I was a kid the only way I saw movies was from the back seat of my family’s car at the drive-in movie,” Whitaker said. “It wasn’t my reality to think I would be acting in movies, so receiving this honor tonight tells me it’s possible. It is possible for a kid from east Texas, raised in south-central L.A. and Carson, who believes in his dreams, commits himself to them with his heart, to touch them and to have them happen.”

Excellent inspiration for us all.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Life Plan

I just dug out my life plan that my mentor was kind enough to help me put together at the end of 2004 and again at the end of 2006. It's amazing looking at was has been accomplished v. what hasn't and what would have been if i had (wait for it) ...

Just followed the plan.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Blown Mortgage

So as a result of my last post I've created Blown Mortgage, a blog that will be solely focused on exposing the worst parts of the mortgage industry and process so that hopefully some people will save some money and in the best case scenario some homes are saved. Check it out.

A word about your mortgage

FYI - As the owner of a small mortgage company I wanted to give you a freebie about your mortgage. No matter what, people are getting paid on your mortgage. When you shop for a mortgage and someone gives you a rate over the phone do two things, PLEASE!

1. go to or or some site where you know you are getting decent information and see what the going rates are on the type of loan you are looking for. if you are getting quoted a rate that is not on one of those sites the person is LYING TO YOU. Go against your gut, against your hopeful wishes and don't waste your time. The rate doesn't exist, don't let false hope compromise your financial situation. It's not worth it.

2. demand from your representative a copy of either a. a FULL APPROVAL or b. the RATE SHEET they are quoting the rate off of. if they won't give you either before you get to the final documents you are getting screwed for sure. Same goes for the TIL.

P.S. the GFE they send you will be good for two things: starting the fire in your fireplace or lining your pet's cage. nothing else.

Dream a Dream

I re-read an essay given to me back in 2004 from one of my mentors who at the time identified in me a malaise - not unlike the current one I find myself in - with the goal of breaking me out of the funk and helping me on my way.

It did. While it is not published anywhere that I know of, it should be. One of my favorite parts of it is summed up by: "Don't be afraid to imagine your life as it would be if you achieved the greatest heights you could visualize in your mind."

What an amazingly powerful concept. To think of your life with out the burdens of self-doubt, lack of confidence and excuses that are surrounding you, like a mortgage, a family, security. To, with supreme confidence, know that your destiny in life is to live at your fullest potential doing exactly what you were meant to do, is a concept that puts goosebumps on my skin.

I know that I am destined for great things; everyone is. Whether we let the excuses and doubts stop us is individual choice. I choose not to be stopped.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Mentors have to be some of the most amazing people on the planet. People who have been there, done that provide you wisdom, guidance and insight for free. They take their time, which is usually worth a small fortune, and share it with you. They allow you to absorb as much of them as you like; as long as you take it.

I have two great mentors. I have managed to let them wither and turn their attention elsewhere by not being smart or persistent enough to keep their attention and show them my appreciation for their time and insight. I am ashamed. I hope that this year and I can fully engage my mentors (if they'll have me back) and learn the easiest way there is; through them.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

When in doubt, shut up.

I haven't posted on my blog in over a week, and in an effort to keep what had been an enjoyable habit going I'm here, grinding out a post in hopes of recapturing the interest I had in everyday items that made me repeatedly up my post count throughout January and early February. I guess I've been in a bit of a funk lately, an overall general malaise that has manifested itself in muting my desire to share my everyday thoughts here. I've even said to myself numerous times since my last post "I don't even have a good idea to put up on my blog." And, several times, I've sat late at night falling asleep trying to contrive something worthwhile or interesting to post about - only to fail myself over and over again.

So, when in doubt, shut up. I find it weird that I can go through periods of mental block, like a weight sitting on my frontal lobe that keeps me from entertaining interesting thoughts of my own. Instead, I've been a recluse wrapped in others thoughts and ideas, burning through pages of different books looking for a spark of interest that would propel me to my brainstorming ways in short order. While I've read a lot of great material non has proved the able flint necessary.

I think part of it is because of this whole name thing - the gravity, or maybe in-gravity, or neither of the whole exercise has left me feeling morose and impotent; or afraid to put my rusted marketing mind to the challenge. Anyway, I'll keep grinding and thinking, trying to regain the optimism that is given to me everyday by my son and wife. To capture and manipulate that feeling on command, to regain the confidence of my own ideas is where my head will be at this week.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Web 2.0

Here's a cool look at the internet as it expands and grows. It pisses me off that I used to feel like I was on top of everything going on in the computer/technology space. Now I don't even know how to put someone on hold on my cell phone. What the hell happened to me?

So check this out, its a pretty cool video.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Amazing Movie

This movie was on Comedy Central tonight. It is a great movie. It's so accurate it's scary. Every job I've worked at is like this - even the ones that try their hardest to not be.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


It's nice not to have a disclaimer. I don't have to disclose anything. I don't have to put anyone on notice. I don't have to qualify my statements. I don't have any of the following on my blog: confidentiality notice, privacy policy, copywrite notice, trademark notice, interest rate disclaimer, lease term details, money back guarantee disclaimers, nothing. Not a single disclaimer. My brother's blog has a disclaimer because he is publishing snippets of his creativity and doesn't want it stolen. Just so my brother can rest; "I agree to the terms and conditions associated with reading your blog."

Dammit, I just thought of one for me: "The views put forth in this blog are not the views of New Day Trust Mortgage or its management team. In no way do they represent the views of New Day Trust Mortgage and New Day Trust Mortgage cannot be held liable for any views or opinions expressed herewith."

3 down, n more to go!

Where 'n' equals years left of my life. Happy anniversary to me and my wife! Good lord, its a veritable blizzard of Brown-family Memorial Days all piled together in the depths of winter (if such a thing exists in the OC). Yesterday was our 3rd wedding anniversary. I didn't post exactly on the day because I vowed to myself not to turn my computer on all night last night so that I could spend time with my wife. I spend too much time buried behind a small fuzzy screen.

When I do peer over it I see my beautiful wife sitting there, she is gorgeous. She doesn't think so, but she is the most radiant, beautiful woman that I have met in my life. She is my foundation and my rock. She keeps me motivated, grounded, honest, passionate, positive; she keeps me from taking myself to seriously. She is my best friend and love of my life. I can't say any more - she is perfect for me. She has given me everything I have in my life and I am so grateful for that. Thank you to my best friend for everything. I am so glad to be celebrating our 3rd of many, many more to come.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Banks!

Happy Birthday to my son. The boy who has given me purpose, strength and the purest joy I could ever know. I love you Banks and I am so proud of you for fighting your way in to this world, fighting to stay, and being here today. I am truly blessed and will cherish you forever. Thank you for an incredible year and for the hope of a brilliant future. I can't believe you are one!!!!
Love, Dad.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

I get a lesson in persistence

Last night we had our friends Ben & Johanna over for dinner. They both work for an ad agency Y&R here in the OC. Ben is in the creative department and works on several accounts. He recently proposed, and won, the concept that made up the latest Range Rover commercial. You can see the micro-site here.

Having your concept chosen as the one that an account goes with for their global campaign is no small feat. It is kind of like making it to the major leagues in sports, or getting your first script green-lit by a Hollywood studio. It's a big accomplishment.

It took Ben 5 years to get his first commercial concept win. 5 years in the same agency, getting idea after idea torpedoed until he broke through. Now people are asking for his input on everything. 5 years of no, 1 yes and now the opportunities come rolling in. 1,825 days of no. 1 day of yes.

That is presistence. That is what gets you on track to the top of your career. That is something impressive. I hope I can learn from him.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it. ~ Winston Churchill

One of the things that no one tells you about when you open a company is that sometimes you are just going to end up feeling like hammered shit. Things are going to go wrong, and just when you think you've gotten a handle on something another item pops up that makes you want to pull your hair out.

The above quote came to me in the mail on a Boys & Girls Club invitation on a day that truly sucked. It was perfect timing. Persitence is the only answer to anything. When things get bad, and then get worse, the only thing that you can do is keep grinding. Keep your eye on the prize and keep pressing. The only failure would be in giving up.

In Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow rich there is a great story about a 49er who went to California as part of the gold rush. He bought a plot of land and began to mine for gold. For months and months he toiled with no success. Frustrated and broke, he gave up the mine and walked away. He sold the mine for pennies on the dollar and went home.

The man he sold it to went down one of the failed mine shafts and began picking away. He went 3 yards further than the man that had given up and ran in to a major vein of gold. It turned out to one of the richest mines in California. After digging and digging for months, the original owner had come within 3 yards of a fortune for generations to come and had given up.

I don't want to give up 3 yards from the gold.